Memorial Day at Camp Dogwood | Steve Dale's Pet World
By Steve Dale, today at 3:53 pm
I love Camp Dogwood, and am honored to speak there - there are a wide variety of activities (different strokes for different canines), everything from obedience instruction to participating (and getting tips from experts) on Frisbee disc, lure coursing and agility....there are even crafty things to do, beach games and conversations with a myriad of expert dog trainers to a ghost hunter who can reach the spirit world. You can get a massage here, and/or your dog can too! You can bring dog treats, or chef Patti offers a class where you can make them. It a favorite class for many dogs; you do the work - they do the eating. Here are some images from the May 25 to 28 session. The next session is October 5 through 8,
Outside the dining hall, they call this space the Barking LotI owe Camp Dogwood an apology - for giving instructor Mare Potts a stomach ache each year. That's how hard she laughs she watches me throw the Frisbee disc. She knows how to toss a disc - and he knows how to catch it.Now this is very cool. Mare Potts demonstrating discgility with her own dog.Cookie and one of her two West Highland White Terriers - she has more energy than her rather energetic dogs. "I'm coming out the other side, mom"Having a talk with Ethel - a sort of pet pep talk - before we begin the discgility course.Discgility with EthelSee, we can do this! But then she is doing all the work."This IS fun!"Beautiful German Shepherd DogLooks like this dog is standing - actually snagging a Frisbee discCanine in a field of greenEveryone poses for a group shotRobin and Me with Dr. Jane Lohmar, who for many years has been a regular at Camp Dogwood. Hazel loves veterinarians. I've known and admired Dr. Jane before she was a a huge fan. Listen, most dogs sail through dog camp, no complaints, no worries....but every once in a while, whether it's a bee sting or hurt knee something happens. And Dr. Jane has been there to help. Dog camp is for making new friends.Dog Camp is about participating is so so so so many activities, or just hanging out.This cute puppy, a Cavalier King Charles and Pomeranian is available for the RIGHT family. The pup (and entire litter) were rescued. Thing is this dog has a neurological issue, walks a while and then falls over. The pup is scheduled to see a veterinary neurologist - the hope is to find a patient family....Aside from ranking high in the cute category, this puppy appears in every other way quite normal. Trainer/rescuer Patti Trudgenon-Muraczewski and Alicia Obando of Pets are Like Family and Chicago Veterinary Emergency Services and Specialty Care in Chicago are compete for the cutest foster. Which do you want to adopt? a parade of Havanese - they really only making a public appearance at dog camp. They do believe they are better than most dogs. They are, after all, stage actors - who will appear on stage in the Nutcracker, the canine version. Dennis Damon from the Dog Obedience Group (dogs love this guy almost as much as they love him), Robin, Ethel, Hazel and massage therapist LeeAnn Sharp. Hazel passed her Canine Good Citizen Test at dog camp too!!!!I spoke about breed bans - and why they mean so little. Put simply, breeds are all different - but few dogs called Pit Bulls are really Pit Bulls, they're mixes (which might not even include Pit Bull) and besides these bans are ridiculous - banning great dogs as well as those not so great. Senior citizens like dog camp also. A wise and learned Leonberger. Robin, Hazel, me and Ethel - a family portrait. One camper said, "My favorite Aunts were Hazel and Ethel." Another asked about the TV show Hazel with Shirley Booth. And several asked about Ethel Mertz. White Sox fan (obviously) Playing a beach game - passing the ball, so the next person gets it (not a dog) and still not holding the ball when the beach music stops. Limbo for larger dogsLimbo for small dogs - this interestingly colored Beagle was a winner at everything. Tina makes it under !!!! AmazingAlysa Slay and Stella, who found her true calling, doggie limbo.Nothing more fun than doggie limbo - Alysa Slay is a co-founder of Camp Dogwood - campers adore her! Before the S'Mores (for people) and cookies (for dogs) - at the beach.Coming up later this year - the Nutcraker - performed by dogs. I can be certain these are the only folks who do that....the star dog, a Havanese (of course), staying out of the sun. Robin is talking with DebDave and Al in the back seat - hanging out with Hazel and Robin. Is this what is meant by a pup tent?Some dogs shouldn't have to walk.Oh a lap - this time Hazel found Mitzi's lapWinnie was apparently happy to see Robin - Winnie lifted a leg and what you see here happened. Good thing no dog drowned - not sure this lifeguard is up for rescue and CPR.There's a stick Tina wants that Hazel has - what controversy.This Greyhound actually loves bounding into the water, and then swimming - an usually exuberant in water. The beach is for making new friends.Ethel has been going to dog camp her entire life. She likes participating in many activities, but give her a tennis ball and water and she's happiest. Here with Boomer and a smiling Winnie. You think these dogs are having fun? Boomer got it this timeEthel is very good at making new friends (who carry dog treats). Cool retriever mix with Bette Davis eyesHazel waiting for Boomer and Winnie - she isn't stealing tennis balls from the big dogsMaxTerry, a dog camp fixture, like so many of camp has been doing on enough years where people have lost dogs. Her beloved Duncan will be remembered by many. This is her Boxer, Max. It's his first dog camp and not so sure, yet...especially about this thing called water. Later Max showed Terry an app about Boxers and pointed out, "We don't love water." Ethel worked to get the ball....but guess who wound up with it?"I found a puddle!"helloI got wet watching thisBeagle favorite"I am only 11 months old, and I am the cutest German Wire-Haired Pointer Pointer on the planet," says agility trainer Ashlee Trotter's dog. Ashlee is one of the nationally renowned instructors attracted by the fun of Camp Dogwood. Ashlee is also a certified Pet Dog Trainer, but to this pup, Ashlee is just 'mom' "I am so cute, you blog requires two photos of me." Her colleague Ashlee has a fun loving young Pointer - this is Christie Meyer's person workaholic...but the friendliest Belgian Shepherd - cool dog! Christie is very cool herself, as is anyone supporting military working and police dogs.Cookie (the lady here, not the dog) has a brilliant idea - a camp for cats! Cat agility, fields of catnip -she's on to something.For a dog who thinks nothing of hoping from the ground to the top of our sofa - a six inch jump is a walk in the park. Hazel is doing great for her first time ever on an agility course. Hazel does it - surprisingly fast. Go Hazel, goRobin coaxing Hazel down the A-frame. One one side of the tunnel is Robin - so Hazel races through like a pro!Like a fish to water - this Cavalier King Charles Spaniel took to the agility course. Confidence, consistency and a good time in life - wish a dose of positive socialization - I believe is all this wonderful dog needs. Pretty cool considering it's the guys virgin trial on an agility course. "Yup, I was meant for agility""I'm a Beagle - on an agility course, I sniff first and jump later."Cool White Bull Terrier looked like a pro on this agility courseHere's that blue-tick like BeagleHanging out in the Barking LotDave Eisendrath found the perfect do for him - SpeckRobin and Dave - with our dogs - someone said the caption should say, "They look related but one dog is day and the other is night." Two indispensables - Without Dave Eisendrath (l) co-founder of Camp Dogwood, there would be no Camp Dogwood. Al (r) ran more errands than a Greyhound could and tooted his horn. It's the moon? It's a UFO? No - it's one of the lanterns lit by Al and AlysaInto the night sky it goes....up, up and away....Robin could be an administrator here - she shouldn't get a camp job.
Filed under: animal shelters, dog agility, dogs, entertainment, Ethel, Hazel, Steve Dale
Tags: agility, Alysa Slay, Camp Dogwood, camp for dogs, canine agility, Dave Eisendrath, Dog Obedience Group, dogs, dogs camping, Dr Jane Lohmar, Frisbee dogs, Mare Potts, Steve Dale, Steve Dale archives
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